Choosing the Best Residential Lock – Apex Denver Locksmith Fast

Choosing the Best Residential Lock

Residential Lock

Locks help us protect our privacy and property by blocking the entrance to your home and bedroom. It’s a simple, but extremely effective way of preventing people from getting into places that they should not be getting into. Breaking or picking open a lock is extremely difficult and it will take a lot of time for a regular person therefore it provides great security. However there are experienced lock pickers so choosing the right lock for the job becomes very important. Depending if the lock goes on your main entrance, back door, or the bedroom door, the needs will vary. Main entrance door and the back door are both very important especially if you have an easy access backyard. We highly recommend to get the most secure locks for these two doors because they are the first challenge that the thief will face. The bedroom lock can be anything from a simple handle twist lock to high security lock depending on your needs. If you have a lot of valuable things in your bedroom such as jewelry or a secret safe then you might want to consider getting an additional deadbolt lock.

Residential Lock

What are the most commonly used residential locks?

One of the most common residential locks are made by Kwikset which was found in California in 1946 by Adolf Schoepe, and Karl Rhinehart. Kwikset locks became extremely popular due to the quality of lock consumers could get for an affordable price. Many house and apartment builders also chose Kwikset locks because of how affordable and dependable these locks were for them. You can purchase a Kwikset lock almost at any store that sells hardware and because they are usually easy to install, many people do the installation themselves. Kwikset makes anything from simple door knobs and handles to deadbolt locks and electronic keypad locks so you will have many options to choose from. Each type of lock will have its own specification, however most locks offer the same amount of security so you do not have to give up on the color or design you like in order to have more security. For example electronic locks offer the same level of security as a typical deadbolt lock, the main difference is that electronic locks are more convenient to use and it solves the problem of getting locked out of your own home.

Residential Lock

Another huge brand in the lock industry are the Schlage locks which was founded by Walter Schalge in 1920. Schlage was first headquartered in California, but in 1997 they moved their headquarters to Colorado Springs, Colorado. They are an older company than Kwikset and definitely their biggest competitor. Schlage produces high security locks as well as other lock parts and they use unique keys that will only work on their locks. For example you cannot cut a Kwikset key and expect it to work on a Schlage lock even if you cut it perfectly because Schlage has their own unique key blanks. When it comes to lock cylinders and keys even a millimeter of difference in thickness will prevent you from unlocking the lock. Keep this information in mind when you get copies made for your Schlage locks because the copy will be useless if it is not cut on a Schlage key blank. Schlage has always been at the top of residential locks, but their newest Schlage Sense locks gained an incredible amount of popularity because it combined a high security lock with latest technology that is easy to use. Schlage Sense locks use a deadbolt and they have a keypad system that you can set 4-8 number passcode to unlock the lock. However it does not stop there because you can purchase an add on that will allow you to use an app on your smartphone to lock, unlock, remove a user, add a user, and track the times users unlock your lock. These locks give you full control over your locks and eliminates the need to rekey your locks since you can add or remove users at any time as well as eliminate the risk of you locking yourself out of the house. You can learn more about Schlage locks and their specifications on this link here.

Residential Lock

There are a few other residential lock brands that worth mentioning due to their quality, but because of their pricing they are not as widely used as Kwikset and Schlage locks. These are the Yale locks, Master locks and Baldwin locks. All of these locks are high security and high quality locks, but they do cost more money. These locks also have their own unique key blanks and they offer more designs to pick from. Overall you can find the perfect lock that works for you regardless of the brand name and you are always welcome to ask the locksmith technician for recommendations based on your needs.

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