BMW Motorcycle key Replacement – Apex Denver Locksmith Fast


BMW Motorcycle

Denver BMW Motorcycle Key Locksmith Services

Apex Lock and Key has over 30 years of combined experience in the locksmith business in Denver and surrounding cities. We are proud to be one of the very few locksmiths in Colorado that provide motorcycle key duplication and replacement. We have a large inventory of traditional, transponder and smart BMW keys in stock. This way you can avoid the long wait time that the dealer will make you wait. In fact Apex can provide same day locksmith service on most BMW motorcycle models. Call us with any questions or to set up an appointment for a fast and affordable locksmith service.

BMW Motorcycle Keyless Remote Programming

The newer BMW motorcycle models come with a smart remote that is used to start the motorcycle and open the gas cap without using a physical key. These keys use proximity sensors that communicate with the motorcycles system and allow the driver to start the engine. Our locksmiths can program the same key so you can simply get on your BMW motorcycle and start the engine without digging in your pockets for a physical key.

Transponder Keys for BMW Motorcycle

BMW motorcycles were one of the first to adapt transponder keys as a standard factory system. Transponder keys provide an extra level of protection against theft due to the complex nature of starting the engine. The metal portion of the key must match the ignitions cylinder lock and the chip must transmit a signal with the code matching the immobilizer’s code in order for the engine to start. Our professional technicians will properly program the chip and use a high precision laser cutter to cut the metal portion of the key. Our locksmith will always demonstrate that the key is fully functional and that it will start the car.

Non-Transponder BMW Motorcycle Keys

Earlier models of BMW motorcycles do not have a chip and therefore they only use a traditional metal keys. Our local locksmiths can come to your location and cut a new metal key using a high precision key cutter. You can request our locksmith to cut an extra key at a discounted price while they are there!

Keys for BMW Motorcycle
Contact Us

Apex Denver Locksmith is open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to provide the best quality locksmith work in Denver Metro and surrounding areas. Please feel free to give us a call with any questions or request a free online quote!


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