How to Secure Your Home from a Break in While on Vacation – Apex Denver Locksmith Fast

How to Secure Your Home from a Break in While on Vacation

Many of us are looking forward to a much-deserved break, and going away for a vacation is one of the best ways to relax and recharge. However, ensuring your home is secure while you’re away is essential to enjoy your trip without any worries. Here are some security measures that you should take before you embark on your travels:

1. Keep Valuables Hidden

One of the best ways to protect your belongings is to keep them out of sight. Ensure that any valuable items, such as jewelry, cash, electronics, and important documents are stored securely. Putting them in a safe deposit box or a fireproof safe is a good idea, as burglars are unlikely to find or be able to break into them.

2. Install Security Cameras

Installing a few security cameras around the exterior of your home is an excellent way to deter burglars. Locating them in areas that are difficult to access or hidden can also make them more effective. You can also install motion-sensor lights that alert you if suspicious activity occurs.

3. Secure Your Windows

Windows are one of the most vulnerable points of entry for criminals. Ensure your windows are locked before you leave and consider investing in window bars or grilles to increase their security. You can also have windows tinted, as this makes them harder to see from the outside.

4. Secure Your Door

Doors are another possible entry point for burglars, so it’s important to ensure they are secure. Reinforce your door locks and ensure any weaknesses or damage is repaired. You can also add security measures, such as deadbolts and door chains.

5. Replace the Keys

Changing your locks before you leave for vacation is a good idea. This will ensure that any old or lost keys can’t be used to gain access to your home.

6. Get a Trusted House Sitter

Having a trusted friend or family member stay at your house while you’re away is one of the best security measures you can take. Not only will this provide peace of mind, but it will also make it difficult for burglars to case the property and gain access.

7. Be Discreet on Social Media

You may be tempted to share your vacation photos on social media, but it’s best to be cautious. Broadcasting your travels could allow burglars to target your home while you’re away.

8. Update Your Alarm System

Your alarm system is one of the best ways to protect your property, and Have your alarm system serviced before you leave, and make sure that any expired batteries are replaced.

9. Alert Your Neighbors

Letting your neighbors know that you’ll be away and having them keep an eye on your home can deter criminals. You could also ask them to collect any incoming mail, as a full mailbox is a sign that no one is home.

10. Check Your Insurance

Before you leave for vacation, take the time to review your home insurance policy. Make sure it is up-to-date and covers any losses or damages to your property, should anything happen while you’re away.


By following these security measures, you can rest assured that your home is safe and secure while on vacation. Having peace of mind is vital to enjoying a stress-free holiday, so take the necessary steps to protect your property.

Looking for a trusted locksmith company in Colorado? Turn to APEX Denver Locksmith. Rest assured our locksmiths always arrive on time and work professionally! They will unlock your house, car, office, or safe and install a new lock. Get in touch with us today for more details.

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