7 Things to Consider When Replacing Your Front Door Lock – Apex Denver Locksmith Fast

7 Things to Consider When Replacing Your Front Door Lock

7 Things to Consider When Replacing Your Front Door Lock

1. Locks are a MUST

First of all you must realize that front door locks are extremely important for your home’s security because most robbers enter the home through the front door. If you have an old or low security lock then it will take the robbers less than 30 seconds to enter your home therefore it raises no suspicion from the neighbors. This is why you must have a high security lock on your front door entrance as well as backdoor, especially if your backdoor is easily accessible. There are two main types of residential locks which are the deadbolt locks and the spring-loaded latch locks. Deadbolt locks are a must for higher security because the metal bolt goes about 2 inches into the door frame making it extremely hard to break. Spring-loaded latch locks on the other hand are weak locks because the latch goes into the wall for less than an inch and due to its design the latch can be pushed in to get unlocked by using something as simple as a credit card.

2. Determine Your Security Needs

When you are in the market for a new lock you should ask yourself “what are my security needs?” in order to choose the best lock. The number one reason for existence of locks is security and therefore you should put the security level of your locks as your number one priority. Almost all residential locks are 5 pin locks which are good, however there are also 7 pins lock that provide higher security than 5 pin locks. There are also mortise locks which are much more dependable compared to regular cylindrical locks due to their construction. Another simple way to increase the security of your front door is by adding an additional deadbolt lock. If you believe you live in a high robbery risk neighborhood then you might want to get an extra deadbolt lock installed on your door. The additional deadbolt will cause the intruders to spend too much time trying to break in and therefore they will give up on trying to break in. As you can see there are many options when it comes to increasing the security of your front door.

3. Take Into Consideration Amount of Usage

How often a lock is used also determines how long it will last because the lock will wear off faster depending on the amount of usage. For example residential locks are typically lower in quality compared to commercial locks because commercial places can get hundreds of customers going in and out compared to residential locks that could be used only a few times a day. If you are getting locks for a residential place, but you have a lot of people coming in and out then you should consider getting commercial grade locks. You also have the option of getting high quality locks that will cost more money, but they will for sure last you many years without giving you any issues.

Take Into Consideration Amount of Usage

4. Choose a Lock Based on Quality

One of the mistakes people do when they are buying a new lock is that they focus too much on the brand name of the lock rather than it’s specifications and customer reviews. In this age of technology almost every product out there has customer reviews therefore you should take some time and read what people are saying about the lock that you are interested in purchasing. The most accurate way to know if the product you are purchasing will work for you is by reading what others are saying about that specific product. This way you will know what to expect from the lock so you will not be disappointed after your purchase. Do not let a big brand name influence your choice because there are a ton of options out there and you might find almost an identical lock from a less known brand for much cheaper!

Choose a Lock Based on Quality

5. Consider Upgrading to Electronic Locks

Electronic locks are one of the blessings of modern technology, especially for people who tend to lose keys or forget them inside and end up locking themselves out. When you have an electronic keypad lock you do not have to carry keys around because you can lock and unlock the lock by using a 4-8 number long passcode. This way you are reducing the chances of someone stealing the keys from you or finding it when you have lost it. Now your house is at the risk of getting easily broken into without raising any suspicion from your neighbors since the intruder will enter by using a key. Another benefit of electronic locks is that you will not have to pay for a locksmith in emergency lockout situations since there is no risk of you losing your keys or locking them inside. Even if you forget your passcode you can simply change it on the app that some of these smart locks offer. There are many other features when it comes to electronic locks so if you are interested in upgrading your locks you should do some research to find the one that fits you the best.

6. Determine If Changing the Locks Is Required

A common misconception people have when it comes to locks is that they think if they lose the key or if they want to change the key they must replace the lock completely. This is a costly misconception because rekeying a lock is much cheaper than buying and installing a brand new lock. Almost every lock nowadays can be rekeyed so that your old keys no longer work to unlock the lock and you will get a new key that will work. You should consider changing your locks if your lock is old and broken. You should also change your door locks if you want to upgrade to a new style of modern lock and want to increase the security of your front door.

Determine If Changing the Locks Is Required

7. Contact Your Local Locksmith

You have the option of calling your local locksmith and asking them for advice or what type of lock will work best for you. Your local locksmith can also order the specific type of lock you are wanting to install on your doors. Once you have done your research and picked out the locks that works best for you then the locksmith will make the necessary adjustments on your door to install the new lock. You can find a good local locksmith by Google searching for “locksmith near me” or “residential locksmith near me”. Next you can call 2-3 of the locksmiths near you and get price quotes. Make sure to read customer reviews of the locksmith company you want to hire because reviews from real customers is the best feedback you can get about a company. Finally take into consideration the price and the quality of work to make your decision on which locksmith company to hire.

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